NT WorkSafe

Understanding your work health and safety responsibilities

7 simple steps to manage work health and safety

Changes to the NT's Electrical Safety Laws

Information for young workers

Dispute Resolution

Important information before you hire an electrician.

Come Home Safely

Managing heat stress

Risk control procedures for safe electrical work

Working in the heat

Driving in the Central Australian Outback

Manual handling 101: A guide for employers and workers in every industry

Making a claim

Visa workers - a guide to workers compensation

Don't Work Live. Mark and Belinda's story.

Electrical Safety Week 2023

Combating the rise of musculoskeletal injuries in hospitality

Hazardous manual handling - Is the work safe? Do I feel safe?

General information for Doctors

Returning to work - guide for employers

What are my entitlements - guide for workers

Returning to work - guide for workers

Safety on outback stations - a snapshot of the Northern Territory's cattle industry

Aboriginal workers – workers' compensation